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I always get a little nostalgic at this time of year, don’t you?
In looking back at all that has happened in 2013, from where it began to where it is ending, I am just so stupidly grateful. This has been the hardest, loveliest, most surprising, and most rewarding year of all, a year that has taught me about surrender and acceptance.
Most of all, it has been a year filled with love, more love than I ever could have imagined, and not for one second do I forget how incredibly fortunate I am to live such a magnificent life.
The blessings of the past twelve months have been many, but none so exciting as the expansion of our family. The unexpected gift of this baby and all of the transition that has transpired as a result, these are the kinds of things that I simply did not plan for and probably never would have. Which makes the fact that they kind of just happened all the more divine.
Forever, I shall remember 2013 as the year of happy accidents.