
This was a really good summer filled to the brim with lots of precious family time, which is exactly what I had been craving. Roux’s arrival really knocked everyone out of orbit just a little bit, in the way new babies often do, and it was during this season we found ourselves humming along, each of us having adjusted more or less to the new dynamic within our tribe.

I know that it has taken me an especially long time to reconnect with myself, and I’m almost certain I haven’t yet done so completely, but there was something about this last full moon that brought me a tremendous amount of clarity as if the path I have been searching for has finally been illumined.

The year ahead is suddenly exciting and full of potential whereas a few weeks ago I could barely even think about school starting without my heart racing. I am not at all looking forward to saying goodbye to my tiny guy each morning, but I am eager to create new weekly rituals during the hours we will have together, just me and him.

The back-to-school to-do list is looming and I confess it got the better of me yesterday insofar as my negligent posting. However! I am owning that list like you wouldn’t believe. Our house is just about Chrysler Building Sparkly, and I’ve been promised a present should I manage to keep it properly tidy for an entire month. I miiiight even attempt an actual home tour, but let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.

I’m debating a third cup of coffee, which is never a good idea. It’s only that today is the very last lazy Saturday and I want it to linger just a little while longer. Or forever, whatever.

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