The funny thing about having the rug being yanked out from under my already wobbly legs is that, in the most roundabout way imaginable, I’m getting to experience things about which I’ve always been curious.

Like living in The South, for instance.

Granted, I haven’t actually lived there yet, but I did spend last weekend exploring Asheville and all she has to offer. Because at the beginning of next month, that is where 4/5 of my heart will be living. I’m leaving a huge part of myself behind in San Diego, but that is a story for another day entirely. Today is about acknowledging that half of this calendar year has transpired, that I’m as close to New Years Day 2018 as I am New Years Day 2017, and that yet another significant chapter is about to begin.

Six months ago, I wrote about change. About how I had a sense that everything was in transition, and that my best defense was acceptance – to ride the wave, to surrender, to allow for expansion. I knew that things were rearranging, I just didn’t know where the pieces would land.

As it turns out, they landed at a pioneering Waldorf school nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, with a class that includes my daughter, teaching the very curriculum which inspired my own unquenchable thirst for good stories.

I’ve just returned from an incredibly inspiring week at High Mowing, immersed in Renewal Courses at the Center for Anthroposophy. The next few weeks will be a mixture of preparing my block rotation, packing for a cross-country relocation, and properly saying farewell to a city that feels like home. There’s just about as much change behind me as what lies ahead, which seems about right for the halfway point of a year that has been nothing if not revolutionary.

“For all that has been, thank you. For all this is to come, yes!”

Dag Hammarskjöld

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