
image from mister baker’s instagram

At least once a day, I find myself saying out loud, “this is such a good time in my life.” And it’s true. I can’t remember ever being as happy as I am at this moment, and that’s with a broken foot. I’m really lucky and I know it, is what I’m saying. And it feels pretty damn good.

I’ll see my midwives on Thursday for an official report, but as far as I can tell, baby and I are doing just fine. I’ve been taking spirulina tablets, little green pellets that smell like fish tank, and my energy has benefitted significantly as a result. Which is good, because wow, I am busy.

And hungry! The kind of hungry that had me get out of bed at midnight and make waffles. Also, pickles. So many pickles.

The nesting has begun, and not a moment too soon. We’re less than two calendar months away from our due date, and 4 weeks from the day that our midwives would like us to be prepared for both the birth and the baby. So, yeah. Busy!

With everything that is happening, it’s easy for time to just disappear. I am trying to slow down and savor these last few moments of carrying this baby, because this pregnancy has been one of the most beautiful experiences and there is a part of me that isn’t quite ready for it to end.



image via

Christmas, I can’t believe you’re here!

What a year it’s been for this little family of mine, a year filled with surprises and a whole lot of growth. Our life has blossomed here in San Diego, and this has truly been one of the most magical seasons of all my 31 years.

As we were exchanging gifts, I sat back and watched my two kids shower their parents with the sweetest and most lovingly crafted presents. They spent their piggy bank money on chocolate bars for us, and worked together to paint and sew and wrap packages for us all to unwrap. My mama’s heart overfloweth! I could not be more more proud of those two, I tell you, they are the most magnificent young people in all the land. Only, they’re not quite so young these days, and every now and again I am reminded just how big they’ve gotten. I will never forget the tenderness of this morning, not ever.

The rest of today will be spent in my most favorite way, dancing around in the kitchen making a festive feast for the ones I love, followed by cookies and a movie. And maybe even a game or two of Catan. Heaven.

The week between Christmas and New Year’s is always a poignant time, and already I can sense the potency of this day and the next few to come. It won’t be long now before we welcome 2014, the birth year of our baby!

We are a lucky bunch, and today our home is positively bursting with love and gratitude for all that we have, and for each other most of all.

Merry Christmas, Friends!


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At the beginning of June, I made a conscious decision to stop waiting for happiness to find me and to just go out and find it for myself. I started writing. I started riding my bike.

I let go of expectations about what I thought my life should be like, and instead embraced the life I have.

The result of making this simple shift in thinking (and doing) has been a tangible feeling of connectedness: to myself, my family, the Universe. I feel whole. Or, at least, a whole lot happier.

As we were driving home from our adventures at LegoLand yesterday, I had this moment where I realized that even though my life isn’t really all that different than it was a month ago, it’s better. It’s better because I’m thankful for it. All of it, even the bad days. Which, by the way, are rare these days and I can’t help but wonder if I really did manage to write my way to wellness?

Today I woke up flooded with gratitude for these last few years. They have taught me so much about myself, the depths of my sorrow and the heights of my joy, and more importantly, just how resilient I am. I can say that I have never been happier than I am at this moment, and for that, I am truly grateful.

In other news, not only did I find the pictures I was desperately searching for, I found along with them a veritable trove of treasures from when my sweet boy was young. Oh, what a glorious time in my life that was. Even still, I wouldn’t trade those days for the ones that are yet to come. All of this to say that I’ll be back tomorrow with something truly special.