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Monumental. That’s about the only way I can think of to describe this week.

It’s been an absolute whirlwind of day trips, family reunions, playdates, sleepovers, not to mention one very important birthday party. My heart (and my belly) is full. Life is good.

I learned the best surprises are the ones least expected.

Most of my time over the last several days has been spent offline, but I did read this great article about a woman who started a blog about learning to live by facing her fears, and I’ve decided to adopt the last line as my personal mantra for this summer: “‘Wheee!’ makes everything less scary.”

A very hot bath and my beloved foam roller are in my immediate future, followed closely by a Mexican coke spiked with cherry bitters because I’m crazy like that. Ok, ok, and NetFlix.

Weekend, ahoy!

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