For whatever reason, I cannot get the theme from The Rockford Files out of my head. I mean, it’s pretty catchy.

Now that I think about it, it’s oddly reminiscent of the theme song to the American version of The Office. Or, I suppose that theme is reminiscent of The Rockford Files?

Compelling stuff, I know.

I devoured that novel in a total of three sittings, not because it was excellent per se, but because it was an excellent escape. I offered to send it through the mail to a friend of mine who happens to live in the southern city in which the story is set, and she told me that she doesn’t really read but that she’d listen to it. Instead, I gave it to my daughter, who happens to currently be absorbed in the same book about bees her brother discovered the summer before he entered Grade 8.

There is definitely a metaphor wrapped up in here somewhere and I’m entirely too tired to thread it all together at the moment. Of course, by tired, I mean “ready to climb in bed and watch The Office” and I think this might explain the tune on repeat still ringing in my ears.

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